Without Real ID, Minnesotans had better have a passport

In 2009, the Legislature passed, and then-Gov. Tim Pawlenty signed,…

Netanyahu’s Political Challenges

Senior Likud officials said Netanyahu has already scheduled meetings…

EU’s Mogherini congratulates Netanyahu on formation of government

Federica Mogherini, the European Union foreign policy chief,…

Herzog: Bibi Should Give the Mandate Back to the President

Zionist Union chairman MK Yitzhak Herzog continued to insist…

Move Over Miss, Mrs. and Mr.: There’s a Transgender and Gender-Neutral Term

The Oxford English Dictionary is considering the addition of…

Government approves 900 Jewish homes in east Jerusalem’s Ramat Shlomo

The Jerusalem District Planning Committee approved the construction…

France urges Palestinians not to execute suspects in Arafat’s death

France has demanded that the Palestinian Authority promise that…

Hollywood’s Climate Hypocrites

Hollywood and global-warming panic have always been a natural…

Alleged ISIL threat promises more Garland-style attacks

Mohamed Elibiary, an expert on terrorist groups, called the statement…

Yemen asks UN to back foreign ground force to battle Houthis

Rebel fighters have been advancing in both cities despite six…