
Jordan to form judicial committee to ‘inspect Israel’s violations’ at Temple Mount

Jordan has been selected to establish an international judicial…

Regional Council leaders tired of empty promises

Judea and Samaria regional council heads conducted a tour on…

Analysis: Fatah, Hamas pledge more violence against Israel in 2016

After failing to offer their people any hope for the future,…

It’s too late for a two-state solution in Israel and Palestine

Many obstacles stand in the way of a two-state solution to the…

When it comes to incitement, is Facebook biased against Israel?

Does Facebook treat Israel fairly when it comes to incitement…

What makes Israel so special – and controversial?

Leave it to Kabbalah to fill in the blanks. On one hand, everyone…

Hizballah blows up “Mossad” patrol – first of more to come

Shortly after DEBKAfile’s forecast of a Hizballah revenge…

Dems scoff as House GOP looks into NSA spying on Israel and Congress

In parallel, Oversight and Government Reform Chairman Representative…

Republicans fast to object to NSA spying when it involves Israel

Committee chairman Jason Chaffetz (R-Utah) and three other members…

NSA reportedly eavesdrops on Israel-US phone calls

The U.S. National Security Agency's foreign eavesdropping included…

Analysis: How did Olmert get his jail time reduced and what does it mean for future cases?

Though the main headline for Tuesday was that former prime minister…

Concentrated Russian air strikes may open Syrian-Hizballah door to Israeli border

Israel’s military and political leaders became intensely anxious Tuesday,…