The White House as the Ministry of Truth

In George Orwell’s landmark novel 1984, Big Brother’s dictatorial state uses “newspeak” and its Ministry of Truth to turn falsehood into manufactured “truth” and reality into lies. The administration’s explanation of what drives the terrorists responsible for 9/11, the Fort Hood shooting, and the Boston bombing sounds everyday more and more like a product of The Ministry of Truth.


This weekend, the President gave an interview on CNN in which he made several categorical assertions about the terrorists that have endangered America and her allies and, most recently, beheaded a Japanese hostage in the Middle East. As Breitbart has reported, the Commander-in-Chief explicitly “rejected the notion” that the war on terrorism is any kind of “religious war” against radical Islam. President Obama went on to explain how groups such as Al Qaeda and The Islamic State are not in fact Islamic but simply nihilists.


This message is not new or unique to the chief executive, since in fact, back in 2011, the administration banned any mention of Islam or even “Jihad” in counterterrorism training for the Department of Justice – to include the FBI – and the Department of Defense, to include all our armed forces. Since that time, the official line has been that religion, and specifically Islam, has nothing to do with events such as the Boston Bombing or the rise of ISIS.


Read More: Orwell and the Administration: The White House as the Ministry of Truth – Breitbart