Islamic State offensive poses problems for Turkey

Fierce fighting Monday between the Islamic State militant group and Kurdish forces just over the border in Syria brought the battle closer to Turkey, triggering a surge of tens of thousands of refugees and raising pressure for the government to step up efforts to take on the Sunni extremists. Meanwhile, the United States and five Arab countries launched the first airstrikes in Syria against Islamic State fighters.


The Islamic State group’s offensive against the Syrian city of Kobani, a few miles from the border, has sent 130,000 refugees to seek safety in Turkey in the last few days. The conflict in Syria had already led to more than 1 million people flooding over the border in the past 3½ years.


As the fighting intensified near the Turkish border, the Pentagon said a mix of manned aircraft — fighter jets and bombers — plus Tomahawk cruise missiles fired from U.S. ships in the northern Persian Gulf and the Red Sea targeted the Islamic State group in Syria.

Read More: Islamic State offensive poses problems for Turkey | CNS News.