Islamic State Is ‘Apocalyptic Cult’ That Believes

Bergen noted that the very name of the magazine provides further context into these eschatological themes, as Dabiq is the town in Syria where the Prophet Muhammad purportedly predicted that “Roman” and Islamic armies would fight the final battle that would come before the end of time, ushering in dominion for Islam.


The Dabiq article indicated that the Islamic State has no plans to stop its murderous rampage against “unbelievers,” which Bergen said would square with the terror group’s belief that it has been tasked with fighting a prophetic battle in an effort to usher in a win for “true Islam.” Read more of Bergen’s analysis here.


The Dabiq article also takes aim at Muslims who the Islamic State says are improperly communicating with the West. The terror group takes particular issue with the notion that many Muslims and non-Muslims, alike, declare Islam a “religion of peace,” specifically mentioning Presidents George W. Bush and Barack Obama and Secretary of State John Kerry as individuals who embrace this mentality.

Read More: Expert: Islamic State Is ‘Apocalyptic Cult’ That Believes Jesus Will Return to Slay the Antichrist |

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