D.C. Archbishop: Americans Must ‘Share Our Abundance’ With Illegal Aliens

D.C. Archbishop: Americans Must ‘Share Our Abundance’ With Illegal Aliens

The archbishop of Washington, DC, Cardinal Wilton Gregory says Americans must welcome, protect, and share the United States with illegal aliens while urging Congress to pass amnesty.

During a press conference this week, coordinated by the pro-mass migration group American Business Immigration Coalition (ABIC), Gregory urged members of Congress to pass an amnesty for the roughly 11 to 22 million illegal aliens living in the U.S.

READ MORE: https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2021/07/23/d-c-archbishop-americans-share-abundance-illegal-aliens/?utm_source=wnd&utm_medium=wnd&utm_campaign=syndicated

D.C. Archbishop: Americans Must ‘Share Our Abundance’ With Illegal Aliens