Are we tired of talking about climate change?

“We monitor 50 sources around the world across 25 countries on six continents. We seek to put our fingers on the pulse of the ebbs and flows of coverage of climate change over time, month to month.


“It’s not an exhaustive reading of all media accounts everywhere around the globe across all platforms, but rather is a way to get us talking productively.


“In 2004 there were relatively low levels of coverage. Around 2006, into 2007 there was an uptick. There was a high water mark in 2009 [at the time of the UN Climate Change Conference in Copenhagen].


“From that high water mark to 2014, coverage has dropped: 36% globally; 26% in the US; and as much as 55% in the UK.


“Within the last year here in the United States, National Public Radio reduced its environment reporting team from three to one reporter.


Read More: Are we tired of talking about climate change? – BBC News