Set Sail!

Recently, three friends and I had the opportunity to go on a…

Will There be Peace in the Middle East? YES!

During his presidential campaign, Barack Obama promised that…

Has Gorbachev Really Killed Communism?

Mikhail Gorbachev applauded while the Berlin Wall was torn down…

History’s Greatest Sermon – The Sermon on the Mount

Jesus is, without a doubt, the greatest person who has ever lived.…

Chernobyl – Third Trumpet of Revelation?

To commemorate the 25th anniversary of the Chernobyl nuclear…

Global ID is Coming

Why America Must Not Take Part By Rick Brinegar The Biometric…

The Fifth Seal

Why were these people slain? For the Word of God, and for the…

“Throwing The Bible Under The Bus!”

ABANDOMING DOMA By Dave Robbins   Since the beginning, Americans…

“Miracles of the Twenty First Century”

Delivered $1500-A-Week Drug Addiction By Robert Herbst   I…

Middle East Update

Will it be Peace or War? While running for the presidency, Candidate…

Jesus – Messiah or Imposter?

Was Jesus the Messiah? Christianity is the largest religion in…

Why America Has Always Refused National ID

How have we gotten by without a national ID card for 230 years? by…