
Letter: Kagan, Ginsburg acted ‘unethically and unlawfully’

Well, for one thing, Elena Kagan and Ruth Ginsburg acted “unethically…

US Iran Negotiators Same as in North Korea Deal

Representative Tulsi Gabbard (D-HI), a member of the House Armed…

Oregon Starts Agenda 21’s GPS Vehicle Tracking System

A new Oregon law allows the government to track drivers’ every…

Why some Texans are suspicious of a massive military operation called Jade Helm 15

The training will be on private land and military installations,…

How Much Damage Can the OPM Hackers Do With a Million Fingerprints?

The Office of Personnel Management announced last week that the…

Large Hadron Collider discovers new pentaquark particle

In 1964, two physicists - Murray Gell Mann and George Zweig -…

Senate Democrat: Free speech protected only in church

Baldwin, the nation’s first openly lesbian member of the U.S.…

NYPD testing crime-forecast software

The New York Police Department is embarking on a new experiment…

Texans organize ‘Operation Counter Jade Helm’ to keep an eye on the federal troops

Eric Johnston, a 51-year-old retired firefighter and sheriff's…

Medicare to cover end-of-life counseling

Medicare said Wednesday it plans to pay doctors to counsel patients…

Scientists call to cancel biometric ID system

Seventy-four computer scientists who represent the backbone of…