
Jewish Temple Mount Prayer Tomorrow?

This morning’s court ruling reaffirming Jewish prayer rights…

Netanyahu tries to head off Iran’s machinations after Obama empowers Tehran

Almost the last words Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu…

Egypt goes to war on ISIS, masses troops against Islamist Libyan stronghold at Darnah

Egyptian President Abdel-Fatteh El-Sisi has deployed his troops…

PA to Submit First ICC Charge on April Fools

The Palestinian Authority (PA) will submit its first "war crimes" complaint…

Benjamin Netanyahu Says He Meant No Disrespect to Obama in Congress Speech

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of Israel said Monday that…

‘Obama Threatened to Shoot Down IAF Iran Strike’

The Bethlehem-based news agency Ma’an has cited a Kuwaiti newspaper…

Iranian military chief threatens to ‘wipe Tel Aviv off the map’

General Mustafa Yazdi, the assistant chief of staff of the Iranian…

Iranian American: ‘Sharia Law Is Here in the U.S.

Iranian American Lisa Daftari, an investigative journalist and…

Jewish ‘Settlements’: If not Illegal, What are They?

The US Administration, The EU, the UN, almost everyone who counts…

Israeli fighter jets stage warning passes against Syrian air force intruders over Golan.

Israeli fighter jets flew passes over the Golan Monday, Feb.…

PM: Congress ‘The Final Brake’ Stopping Iran

Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu has reiterated his resolve…

Israel to US: Emerging nuclear deal allows Iran to dominate Middle East

Israel’s disagreements with the Obama administration over the…