
French and German Central Bankers Want a Central Euro Finance Ministry

The euro zone needs to press ahead with structural reforms and…

Exclusive: Iran wants euro payment for new and outstanding oil sales

Iran wants to recover tens of billions of dollars it is owed…

Isis: European Parliament recognises Christian and Yazidi mass slaughter as genocide

The European Parliament has unanimously passed a resolution recognising…

UN says one-third of refugees sailing to Europe are children

Children now make up over a third of the people making the perilous…

Swede becomes first person to board a plane with just a wave of his hand

As throngs of weary travellers streamed through one of Europe’s…

U.S. Fortifying Europe’s East to Deter Putin

WASHINGTON — President Obama plans to substantially increase…

How European Powers Reshaped Middle East

On May 19, 1916, a secret accord, known as the Sykes-Picot agreement,…

Soros and CFR Exploit Refugee Crisis for New World Order

After having literally created the refugee crisis from start…

Refugee Crisis Has Europe on the Brink, Establishment Admits

After first supporting the destruction of multiple nations that…

Cash Is King as Europe Adapts to Negative Interest Rates:

The value of banknotes in circulation rose 6.5 percent last year,…

Schengen: European Commission insists border controls will ‘save’ passport-free zone

The European Commission has launched a rearguard defence of Europe’s…

Six out of 10 migrants to Europe come for ‘economic reasons’ and are not refugees, EU Vice President Frans Timmermans says

More than half of all migrants to Europe are motivated by “economic…