‘USS Nimitz’ Turns Around

‘USS Nimitz’ Turns Around

After beginning its way toward the Middle East, a US aircraft carrier was order to turn around and come  home. The Jerusalem Post reported:

Just prior to the new year, the USS Nimitz, a massive aircraft carrier that anchors US power in the Middle East, was told to come “directly” home. US Acting Secretary of Defense Chris Miller thanked the carrier and the 5,000 sailors and Marines of its strike group for their work. Ninety-six hours later, the Nimitz got another order to “halt its routine redeployment” and remain on station in the area of US Central Command.

MORE: https://www.jpost.com/breaking-news/uss-nimitz-to-remain-in-middle-east-due-to-iranian-threats-654194

‘USS Nimitz’ Turns Around