Teen girl breaks down in tears telling city council of being ‘terrified’ seeing unclothed man amid her shower at YMCA NEWS

Teen girl breaks down in tears telling city council of being ‘terrified’ seeing unclothed man amid her shower at YMCA NEWS

Rebecca Phillips, 17, told the Santee City Council that a few weeks ago after finishing her shift at her job, she went for one of her regular workouts at the YMCA and swam laps.

“As I was showering after my workout I saw a naked male in the women’s locker room,” Phillips said. “I immediately went back into the shower, terrified, and hid behind their flimsy excuse for a curtain until he was gone.”


Teen girl breaks down in tears telling city council of being ‘terrified’ seeing unclothed man amid her shower at YMCA NEWS

Teen girl breaks down in tears telling city council of being ‘terrified’ seeing unclothed man amid her shower at YMCA NEWS
Teen girl breaks down in tears telling city council of being ‘terrified’ seeing unclothed man amid her shower at YMCA NEWS