Netflix show for preschoolers pushes gender ideology with ‘non-binary’ character

Netflix show for preschoolers pushes gender ideology with ‘non-binary’ character

A kids’ show on Netflix is pushing gender ideology on 2- to 4-year-olds by featuring a character that comes out as “non-binary.” The show’s creator touted the episode as “a road map for coming out.”

An episode of Netflix’s “Ridley Jones,” a kids’ television show targeted at young children, follows the story of a bison named “Winifred” who hesitates to tell Grandma Dottie, voiced by singer Cyndi Lauper, that it feels “most myself” when referred to by the name “Fred.”


Netflix show for preschoolers pushes gender ideology with ‘non-binary’ character

Netflix show for preschoolers pushes gender ideology with ‘non-binary’ character

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Netflix show for preschoolers pushes gender ideology with ‘non-binary’ character

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