Florida’s GOP Sens. Rubio And Scott Help Lead Effort To Defund Biden’s Ministry of Truth

Florida’s GOP Sens. Rubio And Scott Help Lead Effort To Defund Biden’s “Ministry of Truth”

While the Biden administration continues to try to pirouette out of its latest debacle – a ham-handed effort to control “disinformation” — Republican senators, including Sens. Marco Rubio and Rick Scott of Florida, want to nail this coffin shut before the opportunity slips away.

Sen. Tom Cotton on Tuesday led a platoon of nearly 20 GOP lawmakers who seek to block funding for the Disinformation Governance Board within the Department of Homeland Security. This new agency came to light earlier this week.


Florida’s GOP Sens. Rubio And Scott Help Lead Effort To Defund Biden’s “Ministry of Truth”

Florida’s GOP Sens. Rubio And Scott Help Lead Effort To Defund Biden’s “Ministry of Truth”
Florida’s GOP Sens. Rubio And Scott Help Lead Effort To Defund Biden’s “Ministry of Truth”