46 retired generals, admirals urge White House against Iran nuclear deal

46 retired generals, admirals urge White House against Iran nuclear deal

In an open letter to President Biden Wednesday, 46 retired U.S. generals and admirals voiced their opposition to the ongoing negotiations with Iran on striking a nuclear deal.

“In Ukraine, we are bearing witness to the horrors of a country ruthlessly attacking its neighbor and, by brandishing its nuclear weapons, forcing the rest of the world largely to stand on the sidelines,” the letter, penned in coordination with the Jewish Institute for National Security of America (JINSA), said. “The new Iran deal currently being negotiated, which Russia has played a central role in crafting, will enable the world’s leading state sponsor of terrorism to cast its own nuclear shadow over the Middle East.”


46 retired generals, admirals urge White House against Iran nuclear deal

46 retired generals, admirals urge White House against Iran nuclear deal
46 retired generals, admirals urge White House against Iran nuclear deal