U.S. claims Ramadi a mere setback are ‘delusional’

The Obama administration Monday called the fall of the capital…

Bill Nye talks climate change, racial conflict at Rutgers graduation

Graduation day at Rutgers University is a chance for students…

Pope calls on Abbas to be an ‘angel of peace’ during Vatican meeting

The summit took place days after the Vatican said it was willing…

The Vatican has Always Tried to Inflict Damage on the Jewish State

A few days ago, before his deplorable meeting with PA Chairman Mahmoud…

Jerusalem has and always will only be the capital of the Jewish people

Jerusalem historically has been the only capital of the Jewish…

EU’s top diplomat to visit Netanyahu, Abbas next week

Mogherini took over as foreign policy chief for the 28-nation…

Biden: ‘In Too Many Places, LGBT Community Members Face…Religious Condemnation’

Vice President Joe Biden said in a statement he issued yesterday…

UK Jewry experts cast doubt on rise in anti-Semitism

Despite several claims of a marked increase in the level of anti-Semitism…

Israel must be prosecuted for rights violations

Mehmet Görmez, president of Turkey's Presidency of Religious…

Ireland could be first nation to legalize same-sex marriage by popular vote

Catholic and deeply conservative, Ireland was long known as one…

Research contradicts Marco Rubio’s stance on ‘born gay’

Republican presidential candidate Marco Rubio tackled the question…