Research contradicts Marco Rubio’s stance on ‘born gay’

Republican presidential candidate Marco Rubio tackled the question…

On International Day Against Homophobia and Transphobia, Obama Vows to ‘Keep Fighting’

In honor of the International Day Against Homophobia and Transphobia,…

Pope calls on Abbas to be an ‘angel of peace’ during Vatican meeting

The summit took place days after the Vatican said it was willing…

The Vatican has Always Tried to Inflict Damage on the Jewish State

A few days ago, before his deplorable meeting with PA Chairman Mahmoud…

Jerusalem has and always will only be the capital of the Jewish people

Jerusalem historically has been the only capital of the Jewish…

EU’s top diplomat to visit Netanyahu, Abbas next week

Mogherini took over as foreign policy chief for the 28-nation…

Biden: ‘In Too Many Places, LGBT Community Members Face…Religious Condemnation’

Vice President Joe Biden said in a statement he issued yesterday…

New Jersey Court to Hear Landmark Case on Gay Conversion Therapy

A lawsuit to determine whether a non-profit Jewish counseling…

World must protect ancient city from IS

A Syrian official on Thursday called on the international community…

Freedom Act Passes House, 338-88; Senate Likely to Ignore it

On Wednesday the House overwhelmingly approved the USA Freedom…

Abbas: France trying to restart Mideast peace talks

France has resumed efforts to revive the stalled Israeli-Palestinian peace…

ICANN sees privatization of Internet management soon

The head of the nonprofit group that oversees the world's Internet…