Arizona border town ‘like a war zone all the time,’ protesting residents say

“We stop everything here: drugs, smuggling,” Padilla said,…

IRS believes cyberattack originated in Russia, sources say

The IRS believes that criminals behind a major security breach…

Feds Help Finance Creation of Implantable Body Antenna for ‘Long-term Patient Monitoring’

The project is being financed in collaboration with the National…

US says reported ‘settlement borders’ proposal new to its ears

The United States has not heard of a plan by Israel to define…

Israeli Boy Blocks Temple Mount in One-Man Protest

Routine discrimination against Jews on the Temple Mount is certainly…

US-China war ‘inevitable’ unless Washington drops demands over South China Sea

China’s armed forces are to extend their operations and its…

NATO chief reacts to Russian surprise military exercises

NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg told CBS News he does…

In show of muscle, Russia conducts military exercise

You flex your muscles and I'll flex mine. Or so it seems to go…

Iran nuclear deal unlikely by June 30, French envoy to US says

An Iran nuclear deal is not likely by June 30 because technical…

Obama ‘Disingenuous’ About Ending NSA Bulk Collection

Sen. Rand Paul, R-Ky., claims that President Barack Obama has…

The Patriot Act Provides No Security at the Cost of Our Liberty

Supporters of the NSA’s large scale spying on the American…

Federal Panel Lets Injunction Against Obama’s Immigration Actions Stand

A federal appeals court on Tuesday denied the Obama administration’s…