F-16 vs. ISIS: Biggest battle in Sinai since Yom Kippur War

The day's fighting included F-16 planes and Apache helicopters,…

Nuclear negotiations: A prelude to Middle East peace

As the nuclear negotiations enters overtime, the optimism of…

Analysis: Egypt is losing its war against ISIS in Sinai

Egypt has deployed fighter jets against the north Sinai terrorists…

War threat growing with Iran, Russia, North Korea

While insurgent groups in the Middle East pose an immediate threat…

‘We Shall Fight on the Beaches’: Winston Churchill Rallies the British Lion to Fight against Nazi Tyranny

Seventy-five years ago, Prime Minister Winston Churchill stood…

Prince Charles: rewire the global economy to stop climate change

Prince Charles has said that “profound changes” to the global…

74 children executed by ISIS for ‘crimes’ that include refusal to fast, report says

The blood-soaked executioners of ISIS have spared neither women…

Global warming attributed to CO2 emissions a hoax

Global warming is a hoax particularly when attributed to CO2…


The Vatican added yet another strange bedfellow to its expanding…

U.S., Cuba restoring diplomatic ties after 54 years

The United States and Cuba formally agreed on Wednesday to restore…

Is Global Warming a Hoax?

In our information age, we’re bombarded with statistics on…

US blocks attempts by Arab allies to fly heavy weapons directly to Kurds to fight Islamic State

The United States has blocked attempts by its Middle East allies…