Slidin’ Biden: Two Polls Show Biden’s Approval Collapsing Into The Mid-30s

Slidin’ Biden: Two Polls Show Biden’s Approval Collapsing Into The Mid-30s

President Joe Biden’s approval ratings continue to collapse, as two polls this week show that the president’s approval rating is now in the mid 30s.

A Reuters-Ipsos poll of more than 1,000 adults, conducted this week, found that Biden’s approval rating sunk to just 36%, the lowest approval rating of his presidency, while 59% disapproved. The poll also found that nearly every demographic group disapproved of how Biden was handling his job as president. In addition, the poll also found that the economy is still the most pressing issue Americans are concerned about.


Slidin’ Biden: Two Polls Show Biden’s Approval Collapsing Into The Mid-30s

Slidin’ Biden: Two Polls Show Biden’s Approval Collapsing Into The Mid-30s