DHS Secretary: Long Airport Screening Wait Times Not a ‘National Crisis’

ARLINGTON, Va. – Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson said the long TSA security check lines and baggage backup are not a “national crisis,” but outlined several steps his department is taking to address the situation.


Many passengers have missed their flights due to the screening delays while others have arrived at their destinations without their checked luggage.


Rep. John Mica (R-Fla.), who took over the press conference when Johnson left, explained that the long lines are a crisis that has resulted from mismanagement within the TSA.


“I would not characterize it as a national crisis. I do characterize our current situation as an aviation security imperative. Our job is to keep the American public safe. We’re dealing this summer with increased travel volume, which obviously puts an added burden on our TSOs and increased demand on the system. We will not compromise aviation security in the face of characterizations of this as a national crisis,” Johnson told reporters at Ronald Reagan National Airport in Washington.


Read More: DHS Secretary: Long Airport Screening Wait Times Not a ‘National Crisis’ | PJ Media