COVID-19 – Conditioning Society for the Mark of the Beast?

COVID-19 – Conditioning Society for the Mark of the Beast?

By Rick Brinegar
May 1, 2021

A time is soon coming when we will not be able to spend our money as we please. By the time the Mark of the Beast is fully implemented, it will not be just a matter of whether we will be able to buy groceries, pay the bills, get medical attention or get on a plane. In fact, it will be a time when our faith is tested as it has never been tested before.

The beasts in the 7th chapter of Daniel represent either kings (Daniel 7:17) or kingdoms (Daniel 7:23). To participate in the economy of the kingdom of the fourth beast, the final one-world government, you must receive a mark in your right hand or forehead. Without that mark, the name of the beast or the number of his name, you will not be permitted to buy or sell (Revelation 13:16-17).

Social distancing, commercial lockdowns, the wearing of masks, COVID tracking devices, vaccine immunity passports, digital currencies, and tracking and monitoring entire populations with artificial intelligence are preparing the world for the Mark of the Beast control system now.

Is the Vaccine ‘Conditioning’ Americans for the Mark of the Beast?

A pastor and supporter of President Trump claimed in a recent sermon that the COVID-19 vaccine will be used to condition people into accepting the Mark of the Beast. Pastor Jack Hibbs was clear to emphasize that the vaccine is not the dreaded Mark of the Beast. “It’s not the Mark of the Beast,” he said, “It’s conditioning you for it.”

Social Distancing Threat to in-Person Worship

The need for people to distance themselves from others is part of the conditioning process in preparation for the final global control system. The tracking and monitoring of the world’s population by computers, sensors and drones is enhanced when people separate themselves from a crowd. Some Christian pastors believe religious freedom is threatened with the social distancing orders that have put weekly in-person church services under attack. In Louisiana, Tony Spell, pastor of Life Tabernacle, defended his decision to hold in-person worship services, saying, “The church is the last force resisting the Antichrist; let us assemble regardless of what anyone says.”

Pastor James Coates of GraceLife Church near Edmonton, Canada, was arrested and jailed in February after being charged with violating the Public Health Act by holding worship services that reportedly violated public health guidelines.

The Christian Post reports,Officials accused GraceLife Church of violating public health guidelines on multiple occasions by holding worship services where attendees did not social distance or wear face masks.”

Pastor Coates was recently released awaiting his trial in May.


Public does not Tolerate Lockdowns

As America faces the threat of infectious COVID variants, Marcus Plescia, chief medical officer with the Association of State and Territorial Health Officials, was reported to say, “The public doesn’t tolerate lockdowns very well anymore. You may have states that are aggressive sooner, but on the whole, a lot of them are not going to take those kinds of steps until it’s clear they have to.” Recently, public health authorities have remained wary of imposing measures any stricter than “wear a mask, avoid crowds and get vaccinated.” We are already seeing businesses going bankrupt, people losing their jobs and being unable to pay their rent; and many are having to rely on public assistance to feed their families. In December 2020, U.S. Surgeon General Jerome Adams had revealed what really happens when you force people to lockdown. He said on a broadcast of the Fox News Channel “The Story,” “We need to be more intelligent, more strategic about some of these closures,” and specifically stated it is generally safe to keep schools open and, “If you close down people’s ability to congregate in an outdoor area, they’re just going to run inside and the virus will spread.”


Wearing Masks, Precursor to the Mark of the Beast?

Americans have been enduring a variety of COVID-19 restrictions since about the middle of March 2020. Currently, there are 39 states and territories that have imposed face mask regulations. In the other states, governors and public health officials, while not mandating, are encouraging people to wear masks. A new federal mask mandate went into effect on February 1, 2021, after the Centers for Disease Control ordered masks be worn while using any form of public transportation or while inside any transportation hub. President Joe Biden had previously ordered, immediately after taking office, that masks be worn in all federal buildings and on all federal lands and while travelling. U.S. Surgeon General Jerome Adams had tweeted in February 2020, “Seriously people — STOP BUYING MASKS! They are NOT effective in preventing the general public from catching coronavirus but if health care providers can’t get them to care for sick patients, it puts them and our communities at risk!” Nevertheless, if the conditioning is pervasive enough and for long enough, it becomes commonplace. If you cannot buy or sell now without your temperature being taken or a mask being worn, why would anyone, out of convenience, be inclined to refuse a mark on their forehead or hand to get into their favorite store?


COVID Tracking Devices

Microsoft has partnered with the Los Angeles Unified School District to launch the “Daily Pass,” a comprehensive system which coordinates health symptoms, temperatures, COVID-19 tests and vaccinations in one online tool. If the student qualifies to go back to school, a QR code will be generated for that day and specific site location. The European Union plans to boost summer travel and visits to public places, such as restaurants and sports stadiums, by developing a Digital Vaccination Certificate in time for the summer tourist season. Contact tracing apps met with unexpected resistance when they were introduced last spring. They seemed to be a promising way to control the pandemic, by monitoring diagnoses and exposure through self-reporting and location tracking. However, they have had mixed success overseas and Americans have largely rejected contact tracing apps. They have had a very small role in controlling the disease, largely because people are not inclined to trust the tech companies to collect, use and store their personal data, especially data concerning their health and precise location.


Vaccine Passports

Recent headlines have exclaimed, “The world is moving in the direction of standardized vaccine passports,” “Microsoft and Oracle are creating vaccination passports,” “Government considers Vaccine Passports to enter pubs, shops, events,” “Sweden vaccine passports will ‘probably be required’,” and “Airline industry to launch Covid ‘travel pass’ by March.”

The idea of mandatory COVID passports has triggered a heated debate over the ethics of government overreach and a tiered vaccine-related discrimination. Experts worry that it threatens to create a system of favoritism against those who cannot get vaccinated, or that the original application of the passports would spread to other uses. Melinda Mills made a good point in Financial Times when she wondered, “ … But would these certificates only be required for international travel or could they be needed for getting a job, attending a football match or buying some milk?” Nevertheless, whether they are called vaccine passports, COVID travel passes, immunity passports or digital “green” passports, governments see no return to anything like normal without enabling travelers to easily show their COVID status.

Cashless Digital Currency

If a country’s central bank issues an intangible official currency that can only be owned and transacted electronically, it could be called the “Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC).” While the CBDC only exists in conceptual form, England, Sweden and Uruguay are a few of the nations that have considered plans to launch a digital version of their native fiat currencies. The Bible implies the world will use a universal currency controlled by the Antichrist in the end time (Revelation 13:16-18). The mandatory Mark of the Beast will identify the people who are devoted to the mission and work of the Antichrist and who are divorced from God. The ability to control a global digital currency for overseeing purchases would be simple to establish. Thus, the Mark is also a way for the Antichrist to control the populace. Many  will accept the Mark simply to survive.


Universal Identification, ID2020, Social Credit

According to its website, the ID 2020 Alliance is “a public-private partnership that is maximizing the potential of digital ID to improve lives.” It talks about closing the “identity gap,” which refers to the more than one billion people who live without any official record of their existence, without proof of identity, unable to vote, access health care, open a bank account or receive an education. As this “identity gap” is closed, it also helps to fulfill the prophecy concerning, “And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark …” (Revelation 13:16). Everyone in China has a three-digit Social Credit score, which measures a citizen’s trustworthiness, based on constant surveillance of good and bad behavior. reports that according to a recently published Fast Company story, America already has a social credit system which is a lot like China’s. The main difference is America’s system is established and enforced by private companies instead of the government.

Our personal behavioral information and our entire private human experience is being harvested without, for the most part, our knowledge or permission for translation into behavioral data products. Companies can reward reliable consumers and penalize “objectionable” customers. Big Tech information industry giants, such as Amazon, Apple, Facebook, Google and Microsoft also use this harvested personal data to manipulate us into becoming more predictable and more reliable consumers. Are the COVID pandemic and associated data harvesting moving the world in the direction of the Mark of the Beast? The answer is, anything which requires unconditional allegiance and compliance, especially on a global scale, is part of the overall scheme to put things on pace and get the world ready to worship the beast and pledge loyalty to his one-world dictatorship.

COVID-19 – Conditioning Society for the Mark of the Beast?
COVID-19 – Conditioning Society for the Mark of the Beast?
COVID-19 – Conditioning Society for the Mark of the Beast?