UNESCO’s absurd decision reflects the world’s honest opinion

“The theater of the absurd at UNESCO goes on,” said Benjamin Netanyahu about the organization’s decision to deny the historic connection between Judaism and the Temple Mount. Absurd though it is, the decision reflects the world’s true sentiment that Jews do not belong in Palestine. Israel, as the decision states 15 times in the merely five-page document, is “the occupying power.”


To the Palestinians, this decision was merely an experiment, testing the water. But the success of the experiment should be a warning sign for all of us. If we wish to avoid a UN General Assembly resolution to sanction, and ultimately revoke the state of Israel, it’s imperative we wake up now.


Israel was not established to be a haven for Jews at the expense of other people. We were given sovereignty in order to foster a society whose values present a desirable and sustainable alternative to a world torn apart by war and hatred.


Read More: UNESCO’s absurd decision reflects the world’s honest opinion – Opinion – Jerusalem Post