UN Climate Change Official: Paris Accord to Enter into Force in November

HONOLULU, Hawaii – The new United Nations secretary for the climate change agreement, Mexico’s Patricia Espinosa, says that the Paris Accord will enter into force in early November at the summit to be held in Marrakesh, Morocco.


Espinosa commented in an interview with EFE held during the World Conservation Conference in Hawaii, where it was announced that China and the United States have already filed the treaty’s ratification instruments, meaning that now 26 countries representing about 40 percent of global emissions have done so.


“I hope that after this announcement we’ll soon be able to get to the 55 required countries – comprising 55 percent of world emissions – so that the accord may enter into force, and we have news that Canada, Australia, Brazil and Mexico, among others, will soon ratify it,” she said.


The pact’s entry into force “will create a very positive atmosphere” at the Marrakesh summit, where the new UN climate change chief said that the participating countries will begin “a deeper dialogue” about how the accord reached in Paris – and which will take effect in 2020 – may be implemented.


The Marrakesh talks will focus on how to mobilize resources – not only countries’ public resources, but private ones as well – to begin changing the economic model regarding emissions encompassed in the pact, especially among developing countries.


In addition, the nations will have to nail down “how the carbon markets will be (structured), what transparency mechanisms will be put into effect to see that countries fulfill their promises and how technological support will be channeled to developing countries” who require it to move toward development with lowered emissions.


Read More: Latin American Herald Tribune – UN Climate Change Official: Paris Accord to Enter into Force in November

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