It’s OK to Say ‘Jesus’ in Prayers at Town Meetings

The U.S. Supreme Court ruled today that the Town of Greece, New York did not violate the First Amendment mandate that “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion,” when it allowed clergy to invoke the name of “Jesus” and use other Christian language when giving opening prayers at meetings of the town’s board.


Susan Galloway and Linda Stephens had sued the town after Galloway told a meeting of the board that its opening prayers were “offensive.”


“They alleged that the town violated the First Amendment’s Establishment Clause by preferring Christians over other prayer givers and by sponsoring sectarian prayers, such as those given ‘in Jesus’ name,’” Justice Anthony Kennedy wrote for the court in its 5-4 decision in Town of Greece v. Galloway.

Read More: Supreme Court: It’s OK to Say ‘Jesus’ in Prayers at Town Meetings | CNS News.