Putin: Russia will soon be able to counter hypersonic weapons

Russia will soon have the ability to counter hypersonic weapons deployed by adversaries, Russian President Vladimir Putin said Sunday.

Hypersonic weapons fly at speeds at least five times the speed of sound — or Mach 5 — and are widely viewed as a game-changing military technology.

For years specialists and military insiders have warned the U.S. has fallen behind its chief competitors, China and Russia, in the development of the weapons. Catching up and ensuring the U.S. is on par with its foes, and has the capability to defend against hypersonics in the event enemies deploy them, has become a top priority inside the Pentagon.

MORE: https://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2020/jun/14/vladimir-putin-russia-will-soon-be-able-counter-hy/

Putin: Russia will soon be able to counter hypersonic weapons