Paris Cardinal: Islamists Worship a ‘God of Death’

Mincing no words, French Cardinal André Vingt-Trois told the Christian faithful this week that jihadists “wrap themselves in the trappings of religion” while announcing a “God of death,” whom the prelate compared to the ancient pagan god “Moloch”—who demanded live human sacrifices as a tribute.
The Cardinal, who serves as archbishop of Paris, pronounced these words during the homily at a memorial Mass Wednesday celebrated for the martyred priest Father Jacques Hamel, whose throat two Islamic radicals slit during morning Mass this past Tuesday.


The comparison between the “Allah” of the Islamists and the heinous “Moloch” of ancient pagan peoples is especially severe, given that Christians have generally understood Muslims to be an Abrahamic religion, and a “people of the book.” Moloch, on the contrary, was a vicious god who demanded infant sacrifices, often identified with the Carthaginian god Baal.


Read More: Paris Cardinal: Islamists Worship a ‘God of Death’