There Are No Palestinian Lands

In Jewish culture, moving to the Land of Israel is called “making aliya”, going up to the Holy Land, because the Land of Israel is considered higher – in a spiritual sense – than the rest of the world. Higher not in a conceited way, but higher in the sense of expressing a high level of spirituality and morality that all humanity, Jews and all the nations of the world, can and should aspire to.


When I made aliya over forty years ago, I found the Israeli political world already well established in its divide between left and right. One of the points of contention was the question of Jews returning to live in Judea and Samaria, those parts of the country west of the Jordan River, which had been illegally occupied by Jordan between 1948 and 1967, and liberated in the miraculous events of the Six-Day War in June, 1967.


Read More: There Are No Palestinian Lands – Blogs – Jerusalem Post