National ID card being covertly rolled out

“Papers, please?” That’s a question you might hear from authorities trying to verify who you are if you lived in an authoritarian police state. It’s not likely that Americans will be asked to prove who they are anytime soon because, after all, we’ve got a Constitution, and it protects us against unjustified invasions of our privacy.


The same is true of a so-called “national ID card,” right? That could never happen in America. Only it has happened — or will happen, depending upon which state you currently reside in.


If you’ve never heard of the “Enhanced Driver’s License,” or EDL, you’re not alone. Most of us haven’t. But they are just that — national (and soon, global) ID cards [states will be forced to issue them to obscure the fact] that immediately verify who we are, without overtly asking us for our “papers.”

Read More: National ID card being covertly rolled out under ‘enhanced’ driver’s license programs –