Fastest-Growing Churches Teach Literal Interpretation of the Bible, Study Finds

The Guardian reports that the study analyzed 2,225 churchgoers in Ontario, Canada, and held interviews with 29 clergy and 195 congregants, comparing the beliefs of those attending Mainline Protestant churches with growing attendances to those with declining numbers.

Haskell affirmed that the growing churches “held more firmly to the traditional beliefs of Christianity and were more diligent in things like prayer and Bible reading.”

Haskell added that he expects the study, due to be published in December in the Review of Religious Research journal, to be controversial.

“If you’re in a Mainline church and that church is dying, and you’ve just heard that the theological position that you have is likely what’s killing it, you’re not going to be very happy about that,” the researcher said. “Theological orientation cuts to the very core of the religious practitioner.”


Read More: Fastest-Growing Churches Teach Literal Interpretation of the Bible, Study Finds