Climate Scare Over: Top Experts Expose Scam at Freedom Confab

Call off the doomsday bunkers and carbon taxes! The “climate” scare is officially over. The time for hysteria over alleged man-made global warming and CO2 has passed. The theory is toast — it is totally and completely debunked. At least it will be, once a soon-to-be-released “Weapon of Mass Instruction” exposing the climate fraudsters and their fraud is dropped on the world.

In early December, various prestigious scientists and a wide range of experts in various disciplines converged here, in Phoenix, Arizona, to forever demolish the catastrophic anthropogenic global warming (CAGW) alarmism and the deadly policies the alarmism underpins. After seeing the evidence, it will be impossible for the intellectually honest to go on believing the CAGW fantasy — or “cult,” as some top scientists have referred to the alarmist movement. But of course, it is not the first time that top scientists have debunked the climate hysteria.


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