‘Child-Friendly’ Satan Statue

It may seem absurd – or given the moral state of the nation, appropriate — but the grounds committee for the Oklahoma State Capitol, the Preservation Commission, has been asked by The Satanic Temple, a group from New York, to place a privately funded statue of Satan, complete with pentagram and two fawning children at Lucifer’s knee, on the Capitol grounds near a monument of the Ten Commandments.


In the statue, which is to be cast in bronze and is near completion, Satan is depicted as “Baphomet” with a goat’s head and horns, and there is a boy on his left and a girl on his right.


“We decided to go with that because it is a fairly traditional character,” Lucien Greaves, spokesman for The Satanic Temple, told KFOR-TV in Oklahoma City. “It also offers a lap that visitors can come to sit on, have their picture taken with.”

Read More: ‘Child-Friendly’ Satan Statue for Okla. State Capitol Awaits Final Judgment | CNS News.

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