Benjamin Netanyahu: Orlando and Tel Aviv terrorists driven by hatred of freedom

Terrorism must always be confronted, and this does not depend on the identity of the victims, but rather on the nature of the act, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said Tuesday.


Netanyahu’s comments at the opening of a luncheon in Jerusalem with ambassadors from NATO countries comes amid frustration by some in government that in certain quarters around the world there is a distinction made between terrorist attacks in Israel and those elsewhere.


“Terror, the indiscriminate systematic attack on innocent people, must always be confronted, must always be fought,” Netanyahu said.


“And that doesn’t change in any case. It does not depend on the identity of the victims , it depends on the nature of the act. The act is evil and is perpetrated by people with evil designs.


And we, the people of the civilized world, must band together to defeat it.”


Two days ago, Netanyahu said, a terrorist walked into an Orlando nightclub and murdered nearly 50 people who “were doing nothing wrong, they were dancing with friends and they were enjoying music with loved ones.


The terrorist murdered them because he was driven by intolerance to the LGBT community, and driven by hatred of freedom and diversity.”


Just days earlier, he continued, “a terrorist walked into a cafe in Tel Aviv and murdered four civilians. They, too, did nothing wrong.


They were drinking coffee and enjoying the celebration of birthdays.”


Netanyahu listed numerous cities struck by terrorism around the world, and said: “Terrorism knows no bounds, and that is why our cooperation in the battle against terrorism must know no bounds, as well.”


Read More: Benjamin Netanyahu: Orlando and Tel Aviv terrorists driven by hatred of freedom – Israel News – Jerusalem Post