Antisemitism strikes at the heart of the European Union

The European Union was set up with the aim of ending the frequent and bloody wars between neighbours, reeling from the shock of what conspired in the Holocaust during World War II.


As the new European Parliament and European Commission take shape, protests invoking “death to the Jews” have hit the streets of many European cities while social media facilitates a barrage of hate speech.  Arguments that these incidents are caused by the exchange of fire between Hamas and Israel are invalid as we have witnessed an escalation of violent attacks against Jewish people and places over the last year, such as the murders at the Brussels Jewish Museum in May.  


For at least the last decade, it is simply not safe for a person to publically display symbols of their Jewishness in some parts of Europe, including in Brussels, the capital of the European Union.

Read More: Antisemitism strikes at the heart of the European Union | EurActiv.

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