Abbas’ goal: A Palestinian state imposed from abroad

This route starts with Abbas’ claim that Israel legally violated the Oslo Agreements, and therefore the Palestinians don’t have to honor them either. He is not referring to the security coordination which serves both the Palestinians and the Israelis, but to the fact that the Palestinians don’t have to reach their own state through negotiations with Israel, but can take a different route from the one outlined by the Oslo Agreements.


We should pay attention to the fact that Abbas is not saying, ‘We won’t honor the Oslo Agreements anymore.” He is only threatening to do so. This threat is aimed at getting Israel to stop building in the settlements and release prisoners, and at allowing the international community to impose the establishment of the Palestinian state – unilaterally and without negotiations – on Israel.


All his cries of despair, while mostly justified, are aimed at clarifying to the international community why he is helpless, why the UN should protect him and the Palestinians, and why he can’t reach an agreement with Israel through negotiations. That’s it.


On the one hand, it’s not an empty threat, but on the other hand, it’s only a threat for now. Abbas may act on this threat if he sees he is not getting what he wants; but that will happen later on.


After all this, one can honestly understand why Abbas turned to the international route in order to reach a Palestinian state. Granted, Israel did not meet some of its commitments under the Oslo Agreement, and the “price tag” activists created the infrastructure for his claim that Israeli terror is equal to Palestinian terror, but that the Palestinians are living under occupation and are therefore morally supreme.


Read More: Abbas’ goal: A Palestinian state imposed from abroad – Israel Opinion, Ynetnews