Holy Roman Empire Reborn


The prophecy concerning the rebirth of the Holy Roman Empire is one of the most critical prophecies in the entire Bible. Without proper understanding of this prophecy, it is impossible to really grasp the entire scope of the prophecies God has given us.

The prophecy concerning the rebirth of the Holy Roman Empire is one of the most critical prophecies in the entire Bible. The rebirth of the Holy Roman Empire actually happened on November 3, 2009. Its fulfillment was one of the five most important prophetic fulfillments in the last two thousand years. One reason this prophecy is so important is because the Antichrist and the False Prophet will both come out of this reborn Holy Roman Empire.

Let’s first of all understand the setting when this prophecy was given. At the time it was written, Israel was under Babylonian captivity. The Jewish people had been sent into exile for seventy years because of their disobedience to God. Daniel and the three Hebrew children were among the first to go into captivity. Because of their ability and exceptional intelligence, they were quickly placed into leadership positions. Daniel became one of the spiritual advisors to Nebuchadnezzar, the king of Babylon. Babylon ruled the entire world at the time.

One night, Nebuchadnezzar dreamed a dream. When he awakened the next morning, he knew he had dreamed a very unusual dream, but he couldn’t remember what he had dreamed. Nebuchadnezzar demanded that his wise men tell him his dream and its meaning. When they could not tell the king his dream, Nebuchadnezzar was so angry that he ordered the killing of all the wise men in the kingdom. When Daniel heard about the king’s dream and his order to destroy all the wise men in his realm, he requested time from Arioch, the king’s captain, promising to tell the king his dream. Daniel and the three Hebrew children prayed and fasted, asking God to reveal the king’s dream. That night, God showed Daniel in a dream what Nebuchadnezzar had dreamed and its meaning.

The next day Daniel was ushered into the presence of the king. Daniel told the king, that he could not know nor interpret the dream himself. However, he served a God who reveals the secrets of men’s hearts, and He could reveal his dream. Then Daniel proceeded to tell the king what God had showed him.