The Importance of Mothers and Families Who Study the Bible

As a mother, you look out for your children’s emotional, physical, and spiritual needs. You give everything to help them grow to their fullest potential. Encouraging them to grow closer to God through family Bible study is an essential part of living a Christian life.

Mothers are the emotional axis around which a family’s universe revolves. If Mom is in a bad mood, it’s not unusual to see an attitude shift in the rest of the family or in the actions of her kids. Children learn how to live and love as faithful Christians from their mothers throughout their lives, which is why family Bible study is a critical part of your day and why mothers play such an integral role in a family’s religious life.

Blessed by God

You are indeed blessed by God. A glowing depiction of mothers and wives can be found in Proverbs 31:28-29: “Her children rise up and call her blessed; her husband also, and he praises her: ‘Many daughters have done well, but you excel them all.’” Children learn the meaning of love, comfort, prayer, and repentance from Jesus’ example, which is the foundation of family Biblical study. God has given moms a gift that no one else has; each is the perfect mother for her children, which makes her perfect for leading them down a spiritual path, guiding their hearts and minds in ways that bring them toward salvation and eternal life.

Creating Daily Habits

Like brushing their teeth, picking up their toys, and cleaning their rooms, children can develop a deeply ingrained habit of reading the Bible every day through consistent family Bible study. Mothers who serve as a model of trust and dependence on the Bible by turning to it regularly are displaying the very behavior that can help children develop a close relationship with God and His teachings.

Strengthen Family Bonds

In addition to building a relationship with God, family Bible study brings families closer together. Bible study should not be simply about reading the Bible; it should be a time of discussion and sharing so that you can come together with love and develop as a family and as followers of God. You can offer one another new insight and help each other gain a deeper understanding of the Bible. When daily studies are something the whole family looks forward to, children gain confidence and a solid foundation that carries them successfully through the rest of their lives.

Family Night Out

Fellowship with other Christians is an important part of strengthening both family and spiritual bonds. Jesus tells us in Matthew 18:20, “For where two or three are gathered together in My name, I am there in the midst of them.” The strength of a family that has been saved and born again in Christ is one that can be shared by a larger community. Taking advantage of your community’s activities and events, like the Endtime Ministries Bible studies across the country, connects you with other believers and also works to expand your family’s spiritual bond.


All mothers have the ability to raise their children in a way that allows God’s love and wisdom to shine. This Mother’s Day, we celebrate moms and the important role they play in the lives of children. Thank you for embracing all that God has planned for us!


To learn more about our ministry and to receive guidance as you walk with Christ, visit our store and supply your family Bible study time with materials that will develop your understanding of the end time. The Bible’s end time prophecies help us to understand what we need to be doing as Christians today, what to expect in the future, and how the Second Coming of Jesus Christ will affect the world as we know it.

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