Anti-Semitism is Alive and Well

By Irvin Baxter



Syrian Conflict Defused?


We are still living in the aftermath from the speech made by Benjamin Netanyahu before the United Nations on October 1, 2013, which had all kinds of repercussions. It looked like peace was breaking out all over; President Obama was making overtures to the new President of Iran, and they were even planning on meeting together before they left from the United Nations. However, all of a sudden Rohani said he couldn’t do that, and he went home. So what’s that all about? Well, apparently Rohani was getting ready to overstep his bounds as defined by the religious leader of Iran, Mr. Khamenei. So consequently they did not meet together, but nevertheless, they did talk by phone a little bit later on, which is a first since 1979. In the meantime, Syria has signed the deal to get rid of all of her chemical weapons, so it appears that the Syrian conflict has been defused. But when Benjamin Netanyahu stepped to the podium at the UN, he felt less than optimistic.


Netanyahu’s Speech


Iran says she has no intention of nuclear weapons, she does not seek nuclear weapons, but then she started to give all the proof that the exact opposite was true. For instance, he said if Iran does not seek nuclear weapons, why have they developed intercontinental ballistic missiles? The intercontinental ballistic missiles are used for one thing and that’s for the delivery of nuclear weapons.


He said secondly, why are they building their nuclear facilities inside of mountains and behind heavily fortified concrete barriers if all they’re doing is producing electricity? Why do they have to hide their nuclear facilities in places that are almost attack proof?  And he said thirdly, why would a country spend all this money developing nuclear power, enduring the wrath of the International Community with all these sanctions that have driven the country almost to bankruptcy? Why are they doing that if all they want to do is produce nuclear power? And furthermore, they already have a wonderful supply of domestic fuel in order to generate all of the electricity they will ever need. Iran is one of the leading oil producers in the entire world. So he is saying, stop a minute. Let’s get over the euphoria and let’s use our brains here. Netanyahu suddenly brought the world back to reality by saying, wait a minute, Korea fooled us when they said the exact same things one year before they exploded their first nuclear bomb. This is North Korea act two, that’s all it is. These people are lying through their teeth and they’re not telling the truth. They have been pursuing nuclear weapons from the get go and if we allow them to fool us into complacency then we are going to end up with a nuclear power sitting at the center of the Middle East, dominating the oil producing nations of the world.


Sound the Alarms


Consequently Netanyahu has finally sounded the alarm saying that Israel doesn’t want to do it, but if she has to, she will take care of the problem all by herself. He also said that Iran is saying they will only enrich to a certain point, and it’s true that they have not crossed the red line which Netanyahu drew at the UN podium last year. But the fact is that if they reach a certain level and if they have enrichment capabilities, then they could dash across the line quickly, and once they get a nuclear bomb, then how do you deal with that? Once they say that they have a bomb, and if you bother us, Tel Aviv is going to be wiped off the map. How do you deal with that? You’ve got to deal with it before it happens! No one wants to risk a nuclear war.

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