Erdogan Dreaming to ‘Revive New Ottoman Caliphate’… in Europe

Angela Merkel cannot transform Turkish President Erdogan from an ‘Oriental despot’ into a respectable member of the European family, Deena Stryker writes, warning that Europe may fall into the neo-Ottoman trap.


All German Chancellor Angela Merkel got for enlisting Turkish President Erdogan’s help in coping with the European refugee crisis is a dramatic drop in poll numbers, renowned international expert, author and journalist Deena Stryker writes in her article for New Eastern Outlook entitled “Was a United Europe a Mirage?”.


“That glazed look that regularly comes upon the face of Recip Tayep Erdogan should have warned her that he has a severe case of Ottomanossis,” Stryker remarks.


Read More: Erdogan Dreaming to ‘Revive New Ottoman Caliphate’… in Europe