FAQ: How to Get Involved with Endtime Ministries

Teaching others about God’s will and end time prophecy is the ultimate purpose of Endtime Ministries, a purpose we cannot accomplish without involvement from our partners.

At Endtime Ministries, our mission and passion is spreading the Word of God by teaching others about end time prophecy. The tribulations we are experiencing in this world leave no doubt that we are entering into the end times and that there is no more critical time than now to share His Word. Without the support of partners like you, none of this is possible and there are several ways you can get involved to help us further our Christian mission.

Share the Word

God has tasked us with sharing the Word of the Gospel with others. Those who have not heard cannot know the truths of the Bible unless we show them. We invite you to share the content we publish on our blog, our social networking pages, and in our magazine. Spreading the messages of Endtime Ministries furthers our goal of reaching as many people as possible so that they may come to know God and ultimately be born again in Christ.

Say a Prayer

No matter your circumstances or schedule, we always appreciate the power of prayer. Pray for Endtime Ministries and for your own purpose so that God will guide us, help us minister to others and achieve the goals He has set out for us. Pray for the hearts and minds of those we minister to, that they will be open and receptive to our message.

Become a Partner

If you are able, we welcome your monetary gifts to help fund our ministry projects as we continue to grow. We need your help to fund the Jerusalem Prophecy College, part of our Israel Project, and to continue publishing Endtime Magazine and broadcasting “End of the Age” and “Politics & Religion.” Any donation makes you a partner with Endtime Ministries, and we will begin praying for you daily, sending you E-newsletters, and sharing free teaching materials and product discounts with you.

Host a Conference

Hosting an Endtime Prophecy Conference is an excellent way to reach out and spread the word about the end times. Do you have a specific topic you want to explore? Yours could be the first voice that your community hears telling them about the times we face and that victory can only happen with God. Request to host a conference through our website and once we have it on the schedule we will list it on our events page.

Teach a Bible Study

You can teach an Endtime Bible study in your area, covering either our Understanding the Endtime or Endtime University materials, to share the prophecies and teachings of the end time. These are typically held every week, but you can determine what schedule works best for your community. The intimacy and fellowship of a Bible study is a nurturing environment for learning and seeking answers to questions about the end time.

Ask Questions

The more you know about the end times, the more you can help others come to understand. Please send us your questions – we are here to help. Many questions are answered by Irvin Baxter and featured in our blog or in an edition of Endtime magazine. We can aide you in your understanding of Bible prophecies or help settle a doubt in your heart. The most important thing is to get involved in any way you can.


The power of God’s Word and the effects of Christian outreach have a cumulative impact. The more people that are reached, the more they will reach in turn, until more believers around the world come to know and understand God’s will. Please join us by getting involved with Endtime Ministries and teaching others about God and the end time. It is our duty, not only to Him, but also to our brothers and sisters in the world who may not have a chance at eternity with Christ without our help.

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