Surviving World War III

Editor’s note: Many of you have requested information on what to do if America does become the target of a nuclear attack. This article is being made available in response to those requests.


The 6th Trumpet War is expected to be a Nuclear War. The Bible tells us that the end result of this war is that one-third of mankind will die. Many have asked questions about things we might do to prepare ourselves for this event and its aftermath. The following information and guidelines are intended to both educate and aid you in forming a plan of action so that you and your family might better cope with those first days and weeks after a nuclear strike .

Since so many will perish in this war, the most important thing anyone can do is to be sure you are ready to meet the Lord, and help as many others to be ready as you possibly can. For those who survive, there are some things you should be aware of and plan for.

In an all out nuclear war, military strategists believe that the initial goal of the enemy would be to knock out communications by detonating a nuclear weapon above the earth’s atmosphere to create an electromagnetic pulse (EMP). It is believed that an EMP can seriously damage electronic devices connected to power sources or antennas including communication systems, computers, electrical appliances, and automobile or aircraft ignition systems. According to FEMA, the damage could range from a minor interruption to actual burnout of components. Most electronic equipment within 1,000 miles of a high-altitude nuclear detonation could be affected. (Battery-powered radios with short antennas generally would not be affected.) The EMP is unlikely to harm people.

In such a scenario, people could find themselves  without the ability to communicate with anyone or get information on what is happening beyond their immediate surroundings. It is not possible to know the day of the week or time of day that a nuclear strike would occur, therefore it is possible that family members could be at a variety of locations, such as work or school, and unable to get home. Automobiles may not operate, and there would be no electricity. Therefore, it is in your family’s best interest to formulate a plan of what you will do during those first few days and weeks after a nuclear strike.  It could be of some comfort if you know that a stranded loved one has a planned procedure of where to go and what to do at given locations after a nuclear strike.


Military experts believe that primary targets would be missile silos, bomber bases, submarine bases, and command and control centers. Other targets might include major military, industrial, governmental, transportation, and population centers.

The effects of a nuclear explosion will vary greatly depending on weather, geography, size of the weapon, etc. If the weapon is detonated above ground there will be less fallout than with a weapon that detonates at or near the ground. The blast will pulse outward for several miles. For those who are far enough away to survive the blast, your immediate need will be for shelter from fallout, and possibly medical help.


Medical Help
Those survivors who are nearest to the blast are likely to receive first, second and even third degree burns. They may also receive injuries from flying debris.  Most survivors will be forced to live under primitive medical conditions, but remember that the majority of mankind survived under such conditions for most of human history.

The following information will give you some simple rules to follow with some of the medical needs that could arise.

1. Prayer is always in order and should be your first step in any emergency, medical or otherwise.

2. Remember that radiation sickness is NOT contagious! You can’t get sick by helping those who have been exposed.

3. Wounds: Apply only pressure dressings to stop bleeding unless an artery has been cut. If blood is spurting from a wound, apply both a pressure dressing and a windlass-type tourniquet. Loosen the tourniquet pressure about every 15 minutes, to allow enough blood to reach the flesh beyond the tourniquet and keep it alive. There is a fair chance that clotting under the pressure dressing will stop blood loss before it becomes fatal.

4. Infected wounds: Do not change dressings frequently. The formation of white pus shows that white corpuscles are mobilizing to combat the infection. In World War I, wounded soldiers in hospitals suffered agonies having their wounds cleaned and dressed frequently: many died as a result of such harmful care. In contrast, before antibiotics became available late in World War II, casts and dressings on infected wounds sometimes were not changed for weeks.

5. Pieces of glass deeply embedded: Do not probe with tweezers or a knife in an attempt to extract them. Most glass will come out when the wounds discharge pus.

6. Burns: Cover the area securely with a clean, dry dressing or folded cloth. Do not change the dressing frequently. For most burns, the bandage need not be removed until the tenth to fourteenth day.

7. Broken bones: Apply simple splints to keep the bones from moving. Do not worry about deformities: most can be corrected later by a doctor. Do not attempt traction setting of broken bones.

8. Shock: Keep the victim warm. Place blankets or other insulation material under him. Do not cover him with so many blankets that he sweats and suffers harmful fluid losses.

The severity of radiation sickness will depend upon the amount of exposure. The human body usually can repair almost all radiation damage if the daily doses are not too large. Typical symptoms of radiation sickness include varying degrees of nausea, diarrhea, and weakness lasting a day or two in most people, followed by a recovery time of days to weeks, and then a relapse which may be worse than the initial symptoms. Full recovery can take months. If a survivor has been exposed to enough radiation, death can occur within days to weeks.


The most dangerous emissions from fallout are gamma rays, and avoiding further exposure is your goal. Simple fallout shelters will give the most protection, and there is much information available on the Internet to learn how to build a simple and inexpensive shelter.  Effective public shelters can be the middle floors of some tall buildings or parking structures, or below ground level in most buildings with more than 10 floors.

When the level of radiation decreases enough, you can begin to go outdoors for short periods of time. But unless you have the ability to measure the amount of radiation, you will be unable to know exactly when it is safe to emerge from a shelter. FEMA suggests that you not begin to emerge sooner than two weeks in lower radiation areas, up to a month in higher radiation areas.

Information from FEMA (www.

Nuclear radiation cannot be seen, smelled, or otherwise detected by normal senses. The three factors for protecting oneself from radiation and fallout are distance, shielding, and time.

  • Distance-the more distance between you and the fallout particles, the better.  An underground area such as a home or office building basement offers more protection than the first floor of a building.  A floor near the middle of a high-rise may be better.  Flat roofs collect fallout particles so the top floor is not a good choice.
  • Shielding-the heavier and denser the materials-thick walls, concrete, bricks, books and earth-between you and the fallout particles, the better.
  • Time-fallout radiation loses its intensity fairly rapidly.  In time, you will be able to leave a fallout shelter.  Radioactive fallout poses the greatest threat to people during the first two weeks, by which time it has declined to about 1 percent of its initial radiation level.

Any protection, however temporary, is better than none at all, and the more shielding, distance, and time you can take advantage of, the better.  If you are caught outside and unable to get inside immediately:

  • DO NOT look at the flash or fireball-it can blind you.
  • Take cover behind anything that might offer protection.
  • Lie flat on the ground and cover your head.  If the explosion is some distance away, it could take 30 seconds or more for the blast wave to hit.
  • Take shelter as soon as you can, even if you are many miles from ground zero-radioactive fallout can be carried by the winds for hundreds of miles.

Decay rates of the radioactive fallout are the same for any size nuclear device.  However, the amount of fallout will vary based on the size of the device and its proximity to the ground.  Therefore, it might be necessary for those in the areas with highest radiation levels to shelter for up to a month.  The heaviest fallout would be limited to the area at or downwind from the explosion, and 80 percent of the fallout would occur during the first 24 hours.


Water and Food
The human body can survive longer without food than without water, so the need for uncontaminated water will be a top priority.  For the kidneys to eliminate waste effectively you must drink enough water.  It has been estimated that under cool conditions, a person could survive for several weeks on as little as 3 pints of water per day if he eats little food, but it is said that you should plan for a minimum of 1 gallon of water per day for each person.  Remember that you will need water for more than just drinking.  If you are caught in an area where there has been no water stored for emergencies, water from sources such as deep wells and covered reservoirs, tanks, and containers is the least likely to be contaminated.

Food stored in sealed dust-tight containers will not be contaminated.  Peeling fruits and vegetables removes essentially all fallout.  It is said that aside from water, food for babies, sugar, iodized salt, cooking oil, powdered milk, and foods that require no cooking, along with a supply of multi-vitamins, would be of high priority.  (Survival plans should not include dependence on hunting, fishing or gathering wild plants)

Some of the items on the list above may raise questions, but remember that in conditions of poor diet that could go on for extended periods of time, the body will begin to develop many unwanted symptoms and sicknesses when lacking such things as salt, Vitamin C, fat, etc.  Life will be very different after a major nuclear strike, and it is not known how long it might be before food and water or other supplies would be readily available again.


Supplies that would be very useful to have with you in a shelter would include such things as flashlights and batteries; first aid kits; bedding; clothing; personal care items; sanitation supplies including buckets and plastic bags; and eating utensils.  Other items of importance might include valuables such as money, checkbook, credit cards, negotiable securities, and important documents.

Some practical instructions on a variety of subjects including sanitation are given in the “Nuclear War Survival Skills” book listed in the further reading section.  Another great summary of things to do can be found at


Further Reading
Nuclear War Survival Skills by Cresson H. Kearny
This book can be read online at the website of the Oregon Institute of Science and Medicine

Are You Ready? An In-depth Guide to Citizen Preparedness by FEMA
This book can be read online at the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) website—see the Terrorism section

Be Ready
This information is available online from from the Department of Homeland Security


Most important
Nothing can guarantee your survival of a nuclear war.  However, we can guarantee eternal life.  Jesus taught that we must be born again to enter the kingdom of heaven.  You may get your own copy of “What do you mean…Born Again” at:


By Ginger Boerkircher
Endtime Magazine – Sept / Oct 2007
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